African Journal of Law, Ethics and Education (ISSN: 2756 - 6870)

Vol 7, No 4 (2024): African Journal of Law, Ethics and Education (ISSN: 2756 - 6870)


Our Mission

The African Journal of Law, Ethics and Education is a peer reviewed Journal which sets out to deepen research and scholarship opportunities within and outside the continent of Africa. The Journal aims at deepening the values of young academics towards the promotion of legal ethics and education in order to bridge the Trans generational gaps and encourage young minds within the African Continent to join in promotion of legal research for African economic and political development.

Our Aims

Restoration of the ethical values of research and learned writing in Africa. The Journal serves to bridge Trans generational gaps in research for the upcoming generations of academics and researches within and outside Africa. Promotion of scholarship in law, legal ethics and legal education. Promotion of legal discourse within the African community of scholars. Exploring opportunities available in legal research.


In order to continually sustain the Open Access Policy of the Journal, the Editorial Board accepts donations in different currencies ranging from British Pound (£), USD ($), Yen (¥) Naira (N) among others. Donations are payable to the Account Details below


Account Name: Modfait Legal Consult

Account Number: 2240006201